The Sunflowers By DIA Are in Full Bloom, but Beware of Trespassing to Get That Instagram Photo
By Shawn Patrick on August 16, 2023
Very year there is a field or two of seemly endless sunflowers near Denver International, and we all know sunflowers make for great Instagram photos, but don’t get yourself in trouble!
The sunflower fields I speak of are located 5 miles off of the E-470 exit on 56th Ave.
Because of the extra rain this year, the flowers have bloomed earlier and brighter than usual.
But before you run out to get the perfect picture for your social media pages, be aware that the general public can take in views of the sunflowers from a distance. The airport’s perimeter is fenced, and there are trespassing notices in the appropriate areas. The fields are owned by the airport and the general public is not allowed on airport property.
Also note that many of the back roads and bridges in the area are impassable as some were washed out amid heavy rains, so visitors should expect a detour or two.