The Iconic White Wooden Roller Coaster at Elitch Gardens Has a New Name

By Shawn Patrick on April 6, 2023
Photo by Richard Cummins/Corbis via Getty Images

The original Mr. Twister roller coaster opened in 1964 at the previous Elitch Gardens location. Then it was reimagined and moved to the current location and named the Twister II until now…

After a year of work, the iconic white wooden roller coaster is now known as “Twister III: Storm Chaser.”

A press release from the theme park says that riders will be invited to brave the storm as part of the Twister III: Storm Chaser team. Gutsy guests will first journey through the aftermath of a tornado on their way to the Storm Chaser Recruitment Center. Once at the recruitment center, riders will apply to join the elite Storm Chaser team and discover what it is like to be in the eye of a tornado. Once riders have braved the swirling, twisting, thundering, plummeting and speeding storm, they will become official members of the Twister III: Storm Chaser team.

Twister III: Storm Chaser is a 10-story superstructure featuring a 90-foot drop and a 100-foot, pitch-black tunnel that features the sights, sounds and winds of a real tornado. Experience 4,640 feet of track and up to 3.1 G-F that is more than three times your normal body weight.

Elitch Gardens opens for season pass holders on Saturday, April 22, and Sunday, April 23. The park officially opens for the season Saturday, April 29.

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