Report the Biggest Pothole in This Denver Suburb, Win a Prize

By Shawn Patrick on April 14, 2023
Photo by Steve Pfost/Newsday RM via Getty Images

I never thought I would compare potholes in the road to fishing, but here I go… Much like catching the biggest bass in a tournament at the lake, if you find the biggest pothole in Aurora, you’ll win something!

With their ‘Pothole of the Month’ program, the city awards a $25 gift certificate on a monthly basis to the resident that reports the largest pothole by volume.

Maybe even better than the gift card, potholes are then repaired within 24 hours or by the next working day following a report, as long as weather permits.

The program is active from November 1 through April 30 each year and with the freeze-thaw cycle in Colorado known for putting roads under additional stress.

Entries for April can be submitted until the last day of the month. Find all rules and learn how to report a potholeĀ here.

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