New colors for Colorado license plates available

By Elizabeth Weiler on July 26, 2023

Denver CO — Between the gray wolf plates, stegosaurus plates and Colorado colleges, there is no shortage of variety for Colorado-registered vehicles. Now, new solid colors are among the mix of Colorado license plates.

For an annual fee of $25, Colorado drivers can further customize their ride with solid black, blue, green and red plates.

Colorado license plates

If you decide to go for the new colors, your annual fee will go towards supporting Colorado Disability Funding committee.

Unlike Colorado license plates like these:

Colorado license plates

The new solid color option has no restrictions for who is authorized. Meaning anyone can buy them as long as they are willing to pay the fees. However, if you plan to customize your new solid colored plate, you can expect to pay a $60 annual fee.

What you may not know is Colorado offers over a hundred different styles of plates. Whether it be advocating for a social cause or showing pride for your favorite Colorado team or repping your alum status, at least half of the plate options require no further owner qualifications beyond paying the fees.

We’ve included a few styles outside of the Colorado license plates below:

Colorado license platesColorado license plates

You can view all of your plate options here.

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