Grand openings in Nashville, Chris Lane to visit college towns | Music City Minute

By Sheena on March 7, 2024

Two grand openings took place this week in Nashville’s historic Lower Broadway district. First up is Garth Brooks’, Friends in Low Places. The second, is what you might call a passion project. Now understandably, the nature and the vibe of the Honkey Tonk Highway can be a little crazy. To ensure the safety of natives and visitors alike, Garth and Miss Trisha personally financed the construction of the Lower Broadway Police substation. So, if a trip to the Neon Neighborhood is in your future, remember to be on your best behavior. Oh, and that neon “Police” sign, right next to Friends in Low Places, isn’t another bar. It’s an actual police station.

Chris Lane is well versed playing in front of thousands of fans. However, for his next tour, he’s turning down the heat a bit and visiting college towns. The idea was actually inspired by Kenny Chesney. Lane said, “Chesney came to my hometown years ago and played this tiny place called Ziggy’s and he did it just for fun. There’s something to be said about the super small venues, like the ones I started out in. I think the energy is going to be incredible and I’m really looking forward to that.” So far, there’s only six dates on the calendar, but Lane confirmed more will be announced later.

I’m Sheena and that’s your Music City Minute.

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