Dr. Pepper Cotton Candy Is A Thing

By Fizz on April 22, 2019

And you can buy it on Amazon, here: https://aax-us-east.amazon-adsystem.com/x/c/QnH4JzTwBaiwArwPju7_QocAAAFqR8KxnAEAAAFKAXxaCn0/https://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B07CJX6H54/ref=dp_olp_0?imprToken=2YP9yjTHKUQ31zkWC78Wqg&slotNum=1&ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=w61&creativeASIN=B07CJX6H54&tag=cookin09a-20&ascsubtag=27fbd3697fe6f1d54f6194dacaaa8973

The reviews are…well…mixed.

“It tasted like eating a Dr. Pepper Lip Smacker. Which, alas, is not actually something I want to eat, as I’m not a toddler. Also, mine was pretty hard and squashed, but that could have been because a dog sat on it.”

I’ll try anything once…

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