By Brian Michel on February 4, 2021

If you give me the Dolly, I’m going to talk about the Dolly! Not the Dali Lama, but the Dolly Parton! The country legend will be starring in a Super Bowl ad this Sunday featuring her “9 to 5” hit with a twist. Ms. Parton has changed up the lyrics to the song to sing about what workers do after the workday is all done. The new track on the commercial is called “5 to 9” from “Squarespace”. Why is this relevant and all sorts of awesome for Dolly? Well, she is launching her own Squarespace site for her Dolly fragrance perfume. Dolly says she’s been in asked in the past to be part of the Super Bowl, but declined saying, “if you do good, you do great. If you do bad, you do bad in front of all those people and this ad seemed like the perfect kind of way to do it.”