Despite Price Increases Elsewhere, Girl Scout Cookies Will Cost the Same in Colorado Next Year
By Shawn Patrick on October 9, 2023
Last week a really sad story broke saying that Girl Scout Cookies are going to cost more this next year thanks to inflation, costing $6 a box this time, up from $5. But not so fast…
While the price of Thin Mints or Tagalongs will likely go up in other parts of the country, Coloradans will continue to pay $5 a box.
In a statement last week to CNN, Girl Scouts of the USA, the parent organization behind every regional council and local troop, acknowledged that some troops may be raising prices. On Monday though, Girl Scouts of Colorado confirmed that they’re not increasing the price of cookies in 2024.
Before 2014, a box of cookies cost $4, but by the 2016 season, all troops had adopted the now-common $5 per box price tag.
Cookie season usually runs from January through April.